More Things I Hate About Computing – Originally Published July 2015

August 6, 2015 Posted by Tiny

A Pain in the Whatchamacallit
By Tiny Ruisch

Way back in 2009, I wrote an article for the newsletter where I ranted on things I hate about computing.  About the only thing that has changed is that I hardly ever get any forwarded e-mails any more.  Of course, it’s probably because hardly anyone uses e-mail these days.  People have found that it’s easier to just hit a “share” button.

Maybe hate is too strong a word, but there are still a lot of things that I really dislike about electronics, computing and the internet. For instance, “click baiting” seems to be getting worse every day. Simply put, click baiting is where an advertiser pays a web site to put in an article with an interesting headline that just turns out to be advertising. If you want to see a lot of click baits, get a Facebook account. Just make sure you hit the share button to pass it on to your friends.
After giving some thought to the subject, I’ve discovered that there are a lot of other things I hate about computers, the internet and electronics in general.  For instance, I really dislike all of the haters.  Microsoft fan boys are always running down Apple while the Apple fans do the same to Microsoft.  Of course, the Linux users are different.  They hate all the other operating systems.  It goes even further.  If you go to a camera forum, you will find Sony, Canon, Olympus, etc. users at each others throats.  Don’t you miss the old days of “FORD: Fix or repair daily”?  Personally, I’d rather fix a Ford than drive a Chevy.

I really dislike software that isn’t user friendly.  Some programs have windows that can’t be re-sized.  I’m getting older and my eyesight isn’t what it used to be.  If I can’t make the window bigger and re-size the font, I likely won’t use the software.  Then there is software that won’t let you choose where to install it.  I don’t install all of my programs into “program files”.  Lots of times, I don’t even install them on the C drive.  I’m not even going to talk about End User Licensing Agreements or unwanted offers.  One of the worst things is a question similar to: “Click this box if you like this article”.  Then you see a yes box with no alternatives.  You can’t continue if you don’t check the box.

I wonder if Microsoft will ever fix one little thing that has bugged me for as long as I remember.  Whenever you use file explorer to copy, move or delete a list of files, Windows makes an estimate of how long it will take.  Wouldn’t it be nice if the estimate was close once in a while.

Isn’t it amazing how many download sites have succumbed to evil ways?  In times past, CNETs was the premier site to get software.  In recent years, the site has become riddled with malware, drive-by downloads, and other unwanted junk.  Source Forge has joined them.  Some days you can’t keep up with the bad stuff.

Since another thing I hate is long winded diatribes from complainers, I’ll just say, “Thanks for reading.”

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