For the past month, while I’ve been setting up this new section on my web site, I’ve been thinking about what the first entry should be about. I was going to write a post about “Rocks and Bricks”. When I finally do, it will be a pretty good story, but it just won’t be a great first blog entry. Then I thought about letting readers know how I feel about “Rude People”. Another good topic, but not a good first post. I considered talking about technology, then I remembered that I already have a Technology BS section with 167 articles. I started to write about some of “My Bad Qualities”. That idea lasted about two minutes because I couldn’t think of anything to say on that subject.
I considered blathering about “Blathering”. I immediately realized that was the perfect first subject for a new blog. I could just ramble about whatever came to mind while sitting and the keyboard. After all, that will probably be a good description of most the posts I’ll end up writing for this section.
Does it really make a difference? Not to me. I’ve had this website since 1995 (2001 if you count from when I bought the domain name). Back then I cared about how many people viewed my site and what they thought. I’m a lot older now and don’t really care.
This also looks like a good time to get a few questions and answers out of the way. The questions are all mine and the answers are too.
Q: How often will I write an article?
A: Between every hour and every month, whenever I feel the urge to do so. I’m going to try for at least one a week.
Q: How many people will read this blog?
A: Between zero and five million. Probably closer to twenty.
Q: What will I blog about most?
A: I don’t know. Probably mostly about old man things.
Q: When will I end the first post?
A: Right now.