My Thoughts
I've been an avid reader ever since I first learned my ABC's. That was many moons ago. Over the years, I've often thought about writing a novel, but always decided that I would rather read one. So what qualifies me to write a blog?In the early 1980's I was stationed on the USS Patrick Henry in the Mare Island Naval Shipyard. The Navy was removing the missle tubes to comply with the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT). The XO thought it would be good for crew morale to have a ship's paper to keep the crew informed. I don't know why he selected me to print it. What I do know is that I invented and created the "Patrick Henry Underground. It was mostly a "rag" magazine with rumors based on a nugget of truth. It was kind of like a blog before the internet. I wish I had kept copies.
These days, when I have time I write three blogs:
1. Technology BS - a reprinting of articles originally written for computer clubs.
2. Sea Stories - some of them are true.
3. Observations - occasional posts on whatever I'm thinking about.
If you'd like to read them you can use the links on this page or MY BLOGS on the left menu.