Bah! Humbug! (2018-12)

July 11, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

Bah! Humbug!
It’s that time of the year again. The retailers want us to spend all of our hard earned nickels on lots of things that we don’t really need. My daughter always tells me that it is hard to buy me a Christmas present because I don’t need anything. I tell her that makes it easier. Don’t buy me anything. It never works that way though, but it’s alright. I can always use socks and t‑shirts (if they’ve got a pocket. Did you know that you can actually give someone a Gift of Nothing?

Bah! Humbug!
About the only difference in the holiday season every year is that it usually seems to start earlier and earlier. This year, I saw my first Christmas display on labor day. All of the major online sales sites started advertising Black Friday deals sometime during the first part of November. Black Friday has almost become Black Thursday. You’d at least think they would change it to Fifty Shades of Grey Thursday. I’m expecting the 2019 season to start around the Fourth of July.

Bah! Humbug!
Every year, I’ve got to listen to some novelty song about five zillion times. I’m just happy that Grandma doesn’t get run over by a reindeer as often as she used to. I’d rather just listen to some Christmas music on YouTube.

Bah! Humbug!
It’s that time of year when we get to watch all of those TV specials and rerun movies that are better off forgotten. It was a Wonderful Life when it was a movie, but 9000 times as a TV special leaves something to be desired. The only good thing you can say is that during the holidays, we don’t have to watch the regular lousy television programming. Don’t even get me started on Christmas commercials.

Oh well. I guess it’s time for me to stop bah humbugging and write something about technology. On the other hand, it is the holidays. I’ll just give everyone a link to one of the best sites on the internet to find free software. Tech Support Alert is a community site for reviewing and rating free programs. If you’ve never visited them, it is definitely worth a click.

By the way, I’m not really a Bah! Hum‑bugger. Merry Christmas!

Bah! Humbug! My wife just told me to put my shoes on because she wants me to go along and help pick out the daughters’ Christmas present. I know what she really means is that I’ll be carrying a whole bunch of bags.
Thanks for reading.

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