StartAllBack (2022-10)

October 2, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

Back in December, I wrote about my first impressions on using Windows 11 on my new laptop.  I’m happy to report that I have found a solution for my biggest grievance.  My taskbar is back where it belongs on the left side of my screen.  I have my extra inch of vertical screen back.  I also have a few other task bar features back that I didn’t think were real important.  I’ve since discovered that they are.

How did I accomplish this?  I downloaded and installed a new utility.  StartAllBack is one of many programs that promises to enhance the Windows 11 start menu.  In addition to allowing me to place the task bar where I want it, there are many other options that I have found to be useful.

StartAllBack reverts most aspects of the start menu and taskbar to Windows 10 style.  In some areas you can select to use Windows 7 features.  The original looks and position of the taskbar are restored.  Task icons are assigned labels, the size and the margins of the icons can be adjusted, and the taskbar can be split into segments.  The taskbar can be moved to any of the four edges of the monitor.

I haven’t tested this, but the program also allows you to go back to the old style Windows File Explorer.  This feature isn’t useful to me because I’ve used a custom file explorer for many years.

There are way too many settings to explain in this short article.  The web site FAQ page says you can download the trial version and test it for 30 days.  In actuality, I got a trial for 100 days.  After the trial period, the program will still work, but in limited mode.  The Start Menu will be blank and on every boot you’ll be nagged about the evaluation period being over.

If Microsoft doesn’t update the Windows 11 Task Bar and Start Menu, I’m pretty sure that this is one of the few programs that I will actually buy.  The cost is $4.99 for a lifetime license.  This is reasonable for all the features the program provides.  If you are frustrated with the Windows 11 Start Menu and Task Bar, you can download AllStarBack and give it a try.

Thanks for reading and keep on clicking.

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