The Twitter Hack

August 9, 2020 Posted by Tiny

A Pain in the Whatchamacallit
By Tiny Ruisch

Darn the bad luck.  All those rich Twitter accounts giving back double Bitcoins and I wasn’t able to join in.  Unfortunately all of my spare money is tied up with helping out a Nigerian Prince that I had met through an e‑mail exchange.

I couldn’t have joined anyway.  I have neither a Bitcoin or Twitter account.  Sorry Jeff, Barack, Joe, Michael, Elon and all the other billionaires.  I’m kind of surprised that President Trump didn’t join the double back offer.  He has obviously been subjected to some kind of hack.  I’ve noticed that he has even been wearing a face mask.

I’ve come to the conclusion that these hackers weren’t very smart.  The only made a little over a hundred thousand dollars.  The break in was noticed almost immediately and Twitter shut down verified accounts.  I would think they could have made much more just by selling account sign in information on the dark web.

Like most scams, a lot of people actually fell for it.  Wouldn’t it have been smarter for the thieves to collect credit card numbers while collecting cash?  After all, there are still many people that don’t have a Bitcoin wallet.  There has to be many other ways they could have scammed more money.  Most of these accounts are big players in the stock market.

As I write this, nobody really knows what happened.  Like all major hacks, I’m sure it will be blamed on one of the standard reasons:
1) North Korea,
2) Russia,
3) China, or
4) A rogue employee.
It won’t be long before we will start seeing conspiracy theories.  It could have been the FBI, NSA, CIA or a myriad of other acronyms.  Could you imagine what we would be reading if the POTUS account had been hacked?

This hack will end up being like every other one?  Twitter will announce that they have figured out what happened.  They will assure us that they are extremely sorry but have fixed all the problems.  Life will go on and eventually there will be another big hack and we will forget about this one.

Ho Hum.  Thanks for reading.

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