Posts Tagged: ‘Miscellaneous’

Computing Memories (2021-02)

July 20, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

Last week at one of my Zoom meetings, someone asked me if I had ever used IrfanView, an image viewer and editor.  I replied that it was one of my goto programs about ten years ago.  This chance remark got me to thinking about some of my computing experiences over the years.  Technology has sure changed a lot.  One of my first computer memories was when I was still in high school and UNIVAC was in the news.  No one really had any idea what the thing was good for.  The census used one to somehow make counting the population easier.  It was a different world back then and nobody really much cared about a machine that was bigger than the family car and needed a special air-conditioned room.

One thing that really interested me was the Texas Instruments pocket calculator.  My daddy was a feed salesman and the company that he worked for provided him with one of these expensive machines.  I remember him getting it out to show us how he could add 2 and 2 without making a mistake.

When I joined the Navy, I had my first experiences with using a computer.  I got to run the keypunch machine.  If I made a mistake, a ship could easily get 10,000 pounds of butter instead of 1,000.  Back then, the Navy paid us in cash.  In later years, our paychecks were actually an IBM computer punch card.  Now, most employers don’t even issue checks.  It’s all done electronically.

In the late 1970’s computers started to catch on.  IBM was the company that created the home market.  Their 8086/8088 weighed about 30 pounds and had a whole megabyte of random access memory.  It blazed along at a speedy 4.77 MHz.  Other companies that built computers soon started advertising themselves as IBM compatible.  If you worked for IBM, you were required to wear a tie.

This is also the era when many of us hobbyists started building our first computers.  Zenith Heath Kits were all the rage.  They didn’t work any better, but we were smarter because we built our own.

The operating system of choice in those days was PC-DOS.  There were many other ones, but the home market was mainly CP/M or one of the DOS systems from Apple, Atari or Commodore.  In the early 1980’s, a fellow you may have heard of bought an operating system called 86-DOS which was also known as Q-DOS (for Quick and Dirty DOS).  Bill Gates later renamed it to MS-DOS for the company that he founded.  I’m pretty sure that Microsoft is still in business today.

Home computing started to really take off in the 80’s when Radio Shack introduced the Trash 80 (oops. I meant TRS 80).  Apples home computer was the Lisa.  Texas Instruments had something called the TI-99.  I remember the first computer I bought.  It was a Commodore VIC20.  I loved that computer with its 5 KB of RAM and the data cassette storage, even though it often took 3-4 minutes to load a program.  Incidentally, the VIC20 was the first home computer that sold a million units.  In later years the Commodore 64 was even better.

The first really innovative computer program to be sold was the spreadsheet VisiCalc.  Like so many other successful things, clones like Lotus 1-2-3, SuperCalc and Microsoft Excel were soon on the market.  Did you know that Microsoft’s Excel was first introduced for the Apple Macintosh?  It was only later that it was ported to Windows.  Wordstar was the first commercially profitable word processor.

The real software revolution was the games.  I don’t think you could walk 50 feet without seeing somebody playing Space Invaders, PAC Man or one of the many variations of Pong.  I’ll confess that my favorite games were made by Infocom.  They specialized in “interactive fiction” games.  I still remember their advertising slogan, “We put our graphics where the sun don’t shine.”  Graphics adapters later put this type of adventure game out of business.  Their first game was Zork which debuted in 1980.

In the old days, the only decision to be made when you bought a monitor was whether to have green or amber output.  The only sound you could hear was the tinny beep for the operating speaker.  The only mouse in the computer room lived in the wall.  Printers were all dot matrix and printed about 30 characters a minute.

Of course, one of the biggest changes in computing has been the internet and use of e‑mail.  I’ve heard that e‑mail was invented by a Nigerian that had a lot of extra money to spend.  The browser choices were Mosaic or Netscape.  We’ve come a long way from logging in to the Bulletin Board.

I’m going to shut up for this month.  Please remember that I’ve just written about some of my computing memories, so the facts may not be 100 percent correct.  I’m just amazed at how far technology has advanced.

Thanks for reading and keep on clicking.

Christmas Unwish List (2020-12)

July 20, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

Bah!  Humbug!  It’s that time of the year again.  All of the retailers are busy trying to figure out how to get our last nickel.  The little ones are all being extra good.  Instead of a simple greeting of “hello” and “good-bye”, people think they have to yell “HO! HO! HO!”  There always seems to be a song that every radio station plays over and over.  Thankfully, for the past few years, it hasn’t been about Grandma getting run over by a reindeer.  It’s also time for everyone to make their “wish” lists.

I’m going to be a little different this year.  I’m going to wish for stuff that I hope I never get.  No, I’m not using reverse psychology.  This is stuff I don’t think I’ll ever have a desire to own.

I don’t think I will ever need a USB mouse with a digital scale.  I can’t think of anything that light which I have to weigh.  The hidden safe part looks interesting though.  I wonder if it’s big enough to hide a battery.

A steering wheel laptop desk is not on my have to have list this year.  Not only can I not remember the last time I used my laptop in a vehicle, the thing barely looks big enough to hold a tablet.  I guess it might be useful for either a traveling salesman or a cop on his coffee break.

I definitely don’t need this Digital Stand for an iPad.  I can just imagine myself reaching for some paper and knocking the darn thing over.  Although the Digital Stand is only for iPads, it still wouldn’t be for me even it it fit my equipment.  If you’re in the mood for some humor, I can recommend that you click on the link and then scroll down to the “Customer Questions & Answers” section.

I’m sure glad that I am too old to ever desire owning a portable iPad Potty.  If they made them in adult sizes, it would pair perfectly with the Digital Stand.

Speaking of iPads, I don’t think I’ll ever need anything that has an “i” in front of it.  I’m just not a fan of equipment and software that doesn’t give me a chance to be stupid and see if I can break it.  I like to fine tune and tweak my stuff.

Years ago, when I lived in the North with cold, snowy winters, I purchased some screen touch gloves.  Not only did they not keep me warm, but they weren’t very reliable.  For that reason alone, I am sure I would never buy these Finger Gloves.  You can also get them in the Pro Version, which appears to cover all your fingers.

I might get awful hot during a Louisiana summer, but I don’t think I’ll need to wear these Air‑Conditioned Cooling Pants.  If I’m not going to want the pants, you can bet I don’t need Air‑Conditioned Shoes.  I suppose the next thing will be Air‑Conditioning Hats.  Maybe I could get interested if there ever is cooling underwear.

It has been around for a while now, but I don’t want Google Cardboard.  I don’t think I will need any virtual reality until it finally becomes twenty‑third century ready like the Enterprise Holodeck.  Why put something on your head that either makes you sick or look stupid like this Remote Control Headband.

There are so many things I don’t want or need this year.  I could list stuff like electronic forks, silly robots, plug in coffee cups, etc.

I just thought I’d list the one technological item I’d like to get.  If everyone in the club would chip in about about $500 or so, I could have my very own Emperor XT ultimate, luxury computer station.  I’d be willing to pay for tax and shipping.  Wait a minute!  Now that I look at the specifications again,  I couldn’t use it. Only three monitors can be included.

Thanks for reading and keep on clicking.

Things I’m Thankful For (2020-11)

July 20, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

It’s that time of year again.  November is here and it is the time for us all to give thanks.  I don’t know why I should have to do this.  Every month I end this column the same.  I always write, “Thanks for reading.”  Isn’t that enough for me to be thankful for?  Luckily, I’ll be able to write a full column this month because there are a lot of other things that I’m thankful for.  Here they are in no particular order.

First, but not most, I’m thankful to belong to a computer club with a newsletter where I can publish my monthly ramblings.  One of these days, I plan to start a new section on my website and publish them.  While I’m on the subject, I’m thankful that we have a great Newsletter Editor.  Pat accepts all my input, corrects and formats it and puts together the newsletter every month.  We should all tell her thanks.

Second, but neither most nor least, I’m thankful to live in Suma Lake.  I moved here to be closer to the grandsons.  Actually, it was because the wife decided we would relocate.  I liked living in Lake Charles for many reasons.  This year, I’m extra thankful, because I avoided two deadly hurricanes.  Also, it is a lot easier to spell “Livingston Parish.  It was much harder to write “Calcasieu Parish.”

Third, but neither most nor least, I’m thankful that most of my Yankee relatives and friends haven’t moved here.  I have a lot of fun replying to their social posts.  When they complain about white stuff falling from the sky, I usually gripe about how much noise the lawn mower makes.  Sometimes they get upset with me when I innocently ask, “What’s snow?”

Fourth, but neither most nor least, I’m thankful that our club members seem to enjoy my monthly articles.  I’ve learned a lot while doing research for both newsletter pieces and my Internet SIG presentations.  Hopefully, it will help keep my mind active.  I’ll bet if I ever appeared on Jeopardy, I’d finish in third place or higher.

Fifth but neither most nor least, I’m thankful that when you read this, the election will be over.  This is the fourteenth Presidential election I’ve cast a ballot in.  This is the first one that I’m glad is completed.

Sixth, but neither most nor least, I’m thankful for all the little things that make my life easier.  I don’t know what I’d do without toilet paper, scissors, zippers, coffee, my e‑book reader, dental flossers, Duct tape, flash drives and my recliner.

Last, but not least, I’m thankful that I’m done writing my “Thoughts From a Clicker” column for another month.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanks for reading and keep on clicking.

Halloween Pranks (2020-10)

July 20, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

October has always been my favorite month of the year.  I’ve always enjoyed Halloween.  I guess it is probably because you can usually get away with a harmless prank or two.  I personally would never flip over an outhouse, unhinge a gate or let the air out of anyone’s car tires.

In this modern age, Halloween pranks almost beg to be played on someone’s computer.  Almost everyone uses a laser mouse these days.  They can be easily disabled with a small piece of clear tape on the sensor.  Most users won’t notice and will have a hard time figuring out why all of a sudden the mouse isn’t working.  You can confuse them even more by opening mouse properties in the control panel.  Changing the mouse speed to the slowest setting will make any mouse activities an ordeal.

Another prank that has been around forever can still confuse even a veteran computer user.  Simply take a screen shot of your victim’s computer.  Then hide all of the desktop icons and replace their wallpaper with the screen shot.  Sit back and watch them click on icons that won’t load a program.

Another quick prank is to open Google’s home page in a browser.  Click on preferences and change the default language.  You’d be surprised at how many people don’t know how to change it back.

Many users don’t know about sticky keys.  Sticky keys changes how the Ctrl, Alt, Shift and Windows Key function.  Keys are serialized instead of operating together.  For instance, instead of typing “Shift-a” to capitalize, you would have to type “Shift”, release the key and then type “a”.  This key change will drive unsuspecting victims crazy.  Sticky keys are enabled by pressing the “Shift” key five times in quick succession.

An evil prank that you should only play on someone that won’t beat you up is to cause their computer to shut down.  Right click on one of the icons on your victims desktop.  Type the following in the target box: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -s -f -t 100 -c “Your Message Here”.  Replace “Your Message Here” with whatever message you like.  I use something like “That does not compute so I am shutting down” or “I’m sleepy. I think I’ll shut down and rest now.”  Whenever your victim double clicks on that shortcut, their program will not start.  Instead, your message will display for 100 seconds (unless you change the number in the target box.)  Then the computer will shut down.

These Halloween computer pranks are all designed for the Windows operating system.  Although they are non­destructive, you run the risk of aggravating the user and making him or her possibly want to harm you.  Use them at your own risk.

It would be nice if you stick around and fix their computer for them afterword, but who am I to tell you what to do?

Thanks for reading and keep on clicking.

Tweaks to Speed Up Your Computing (2020-09)

July 20, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

This month I’d like to share a few tips that I’ve learned over the years.  They’re little items that I’ve found helped make my computing faster and easier.  These tips are on random subjects.  I’ve found that all of them make my computing experience a little easier than before.  Most tips work with all Windows versions, but I don’t guarantee it.  I do know you can try them all for free.

You’ve probably heard of some of these tips and already use them all the time.  I’m willing to bet you’ll find one or two things you can use to make your computing experience easier or faster.

If your computer has more than one processor, you can make it boot a little faster.  Open System Configuration App (msconfig).  Click the boot section and then click advanced options.  Next, check the number of processors block.  In the pulldown menu, select the largest number of processors and click OK.  Now your computer will boot a little faster because it is using more processing power.

While configuration is open, you can also stop the Windows Boot Logo from slowing your startup time.  Click the BOOT tab and check the No GUI Boot.  Doing so removes the graphical moving bar.  The downside is that if your system freezes during startup, you won’t know it.

In the same tab, you will see a “Timeout:” block set to the default of 30 seconds.  When you first start your PC, a boot menu appears, giving you the option to start your computer in special modes.  Decreasing the timeout will let you boot faster.

Do you sometimes lose sight of your mouse arrow?  Some web pages snap it to somewhere else on the screen and sometimes it gets lost in the background.  My clumsy finger often cause my cursor to move when I’m using my laptop touchpad.  Open mouse properties in your control panel.  Under pointer options, check “show location of pointer when I press the CTRL key”.  Apply the settings and you will always find your cursor with a simple press of the CTRL key.

Speaking of the CTRL key, there is another key that is usually near it on most computer keyboards.  You can save a lot of time by using the window key in combination with other keys.  One of my favorite personal favorites is using Window Key-E to open Windows Explorer.  With every upgrade to Windows, the Window Key seems to get more functions than ever before.  If you do a web search for your operating system and Windows Key (or keyboard shortcuts), you will find several websites with lists of all the key functions you can use.  Although a little harder to use, Microsoft has files of Keyboard shortcuts in Windows.  There you will find complete lists for all supported operating systems and software.  It won’t be long before you will find that the Windows Key will be a force of habit.  This will make it easier for you to use your computer.

Why not take a minute, run the Services App (services.msc on older systems) and make your computer run a little faster.  This will open a window with detailed information about the services (with detailed descriptions) that are running on your computer.  You will find many that you do not need.  To disable a service, double‑click on it and change the startup type.  Remember that you can always change it back later if you find you need the service after all.  If you need more information on a particular service, type the name into your favorite internet search engine.  You’ll find out all that you need to know.  Services are important, but every one that your computer doesn’t have to check up on will help it to run a little faster.

Why not print a little faster and save some money at the same time?  Detailed prints take longer to produce.  If you reduce the quality a little, you can print faster and save some ink.  Open print properties in any program to change the settings.  Look for draft mode or something similar.

Thanks for reading and keep on clicking.

Unsafe Computing Practices (2020-07)

July 20, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

Forrest Gump said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”  Could this mean that an intelligent person who does stupid things is still stupid?  Everyone has heard the stories of the computer user that used their disk player as a coffee cup holder.  Did you hear about the computer user that called tech support trying to figure out why their computer wasn’t working?  Turns out there was a power outage.  When you Google “stupid computer stories” you get about 47,100,000 results.  No matter how you look at it, we’re talking about a lot of stupidity.

I’m not planning to talk about stupid computer things, just plain dumb or unsafe computing practices.  Probably one of the dumbest things some people do is neglect antivirus and anti‑spyware programs.  Antivirus programs can be a royal pain in the you know what.  They’re always blocking some application you want to use.  You often have to disable them to install new software.  They have to be updated on a regular basis to do any good.  It seems like the subscription is always expiring and prompting you to renew it.  But you can’t afford to go without virus protection.  The malicious programs that AV software detects can not only wreak havoc on your system but can spread via your computer to the rest of your network.  Don’t be dumb.  Keep your antivirus up to date.

I think it’s really dumb to just click on anything and everything.  I know how tempting it is to quickly load that solve everything program without first reading the EULA.  Be careful.  You might be agreeing to let everyone on the internet send you spam.  Even worse, you could do like one of my sisters did ‑ agree to use your address book for a sales pitch. I know how hard it is to resist clicking that e‑mail hyperlink your best friend just sent you, just be careful.  It’s so easy to download backdoor Trojans without even knowing it.  Don’t be dumb and give in to “click mania.”  Think before you click a link.  Links can also be disguised in “phishing” messages or on Web sites to appear to take you to a different site from the ones they really point to.  You can often find out the real URL by hovering over the link without clicking it.

Don’t be dumb and install/uninstall lots of programs.  I know how tempting it is to be on the cutting edge, so you often install and try out new software.  Beta programs are usually free and give you a chance to sample neat new features before most people.  There are also many freeware and shareware programs made available as Internet downloads by their authors.  I know none of our club members would never do it, but some users even install pirated software.  The more programs you install, the more likely you are to run across ones that either include harmful code or are poorly written and cause your system to crash.  Even if you install only licensed commercial software, too many installs and uninstalls can gunk up the registry.  Not all uninstall routines completely remove program remnants and at the least, this practice can cause your system to slow down over time.  Don’t be dumb.  Install only programs that you really need.

It’s really dumb to plug your computer right into a cable or DSL modem and go on the Internet.  Some people don’t realize that they’re putting themselves at risk from viruses and attackers.  Every Internet connected computer should be protected by a firewall.  Just having a firewall isn’t enough.  You must also make sure it’s turned on and configured properly to protect you.

I think it’s really dumb to plug in any electronic equipment without using a surge protector.  Doing so can physically destroy your computer equipment, as well as the data it holds.  You might might think your system is in danger only during an electrical storm, but anything that interrupts the electrical circuit and then restarts the current can fry your electronics.  Something as simple as turning on an appliance that’s plugged into the same circuit can cause a surge.  If you have a power outage, there could be a surge when the electricity comes back on.  Don’t be dumb.  Protect your electronics against damage from power surges by always using a surge protector.

Remember that everything in this column is just my opinion.  It doesn’t really matter to me if you follow my advice.  I don’t gamble very much, but there is one thing I’m willing to bet on.  It might not happen for a while, but eventually, you’re going to get caught!

Thanks for reading and keep on clicking.

Fun Things To Do on the Internet (2020-04)

July 13, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

I love going to a carnival.  I don’t go on many of the rides anymore, but I love all the fun things there are to do.  Unfortunately, carnivals can be pretty dangerous too.  There are always pickpockets who will steal everything they can.  We often hear of rides that injure people.  About the only thing that is really safe at a carnival is the healthy food you can buy.

The internet is a lot like a carnival.  Everyone knows about the dangers and we all keep our antivirus programs updated.  I know that all the Cajun Clickers club members have their router firmware updated.  Their firewalls are active to keep the bad guys away.  Since everyone is so safe, I thought that this month I’d talk about some fun things to do on the internet.  After all, many people are spending a lot more time at home trying to avoid the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).  It is keeping a lot of people at home with lots of spare time on their hands.

There are a lot of fun sites.  I know that everyone doesn’t have the same idea of what’s fun.  Maybe if I tell you about my favorite sites, you might find something entertaining.

One of the things you can find a lot of on the internet are free games to play.  If you’re looking for games to play, good place to start is Gizmo’s list of Best Free PC Games.  This site is updated often and all the games are free to play.  My personal favorite online game is Texas Hold’em Poker.  There are a lot of places to play, but you’ll usually find me at World Series Poker at AOL Games.  There are lots of online games on the site, but I haven’t played many of the others.  If you like to play hearts, I recommend you try the Microsoft Gaming Zone.  The Gaming Zone has been around for a while and they have lots of games.

I’ve never been much of a television or movie watcher, but I love to listen to the old time radio shows.  Most evenings I’m listening to The Lone Ranger, Gunsmoke, Jack Benny, or my personal favorite, Fibber McGee & Molly.  My network drive has about 21 GB of radio program files.  You can get them and many more at the Old Time Radio Internet Archive.

In December 1995, Bill Watterson retired from cartooning.  I lost my daily dose of one of the funniest cartoons ever.  Now, thanks to the internet, I can still read Calvin & Hobbes everyday.  You can find a daily comic you’ll like at GOCOMICS, Comics Kingdom or ArcaMax Publishing.  None of the comics sites require registration.

“The Alphabet has been Updated with 15 Exciting New Letters” is only one of the funny satires you’ll find in The Onion.  This fictional, satire paper started in 1988.  They’ve been around more than twenty years, so they must be doing something right.  Their news stories seem so genuine that they have occasionally been cited as real.  I’ve got to warn you though.  There is often adult language used in the paper.  Another satire site I like is the Babylon Bee.  For a great description, check out their About Us page.

I’ll show my age a little. I don’t mind being called a “senior” because it usually includes a 10 percent discount.  If you like senior citizen humor, you also might like to check out Geezer Guff.

As you might or might not know, I’m a transplanted Northerner.  When I talk with my brother and sisters on Facebook, I usually translate into Southern for them.  Everybody gets a few laughs.  Translating into a dialect is easy when you use The Dialectizer.  As I write this you can convert into nine different dialects.  It hardly ever fails to make me laugh.

Here is a sample:
As y’all might o’ might not know, I’m a transplanted No’therner.  When ah talk wif mah brother an’ sisters on Facebook, ah usually translate into Southern fo’ them, dawgone it.  Ev’rybody gits a few laughs.  Translatin’ into a dialeck is easy when yo’ use Th’ Dialeckizer.  As ah write this hyar yo’ kin cornvaht into nine diffrunt dialecks.  It hardly evah fails t’make me laugh.

That’s just a few of the things I like to do on the internet for fun.  I hope you enjoyed them too and found a new site you’ll visit often.  Do you have a favorite place you think everyone should know about?  Let me know and it could become a topic for the new Internet SIG group I’m starting.

Thanks for reading and keep on clicking.

Cruising 2020 (2020-02)

July 13, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

The wife and I are on one of our cruise ship holidays.  We usually go for all of January and part of February.  This year, I’ve been reflecting on how technology has changed some of ways I cruise.  The Mrs. took me on our first cruise ship in early 1990.  I don’t remember much about it except for some concerns that the airplane wouldn’t be able to take off for Miami because of all the snow on the ground and the bad weather.  We finally made a late takeoff.  Our luggage left even later and didn’t catch up to us until we were on the ship for almost two days.  There wasn’t a lot of personal technology back then.  A few people were getting desktop computers, laptops were almost unheard of and the internet was in its infancy, mostly restricted to universities, governments, military services, etc.  The World Wide Web and America On Line was still a year or so in the future.

Fast forward to March 2013.  I was on my eighth cruise with the boss (this time, she didn’t have to force me to go).  On this cruise, I didn’t take my laptop.  Instead, I used my new Archos 70IT tablet.  It was running Android 2.2 (Froyo).  When paired with a Bluetooth keyboard it made an excellent machine for shipboard cruising.  I used it to write some blogs for my website.

Two years later, I did basically the same thing on another cruise.  Same equipment, except for adding my first “smart” phone.  It was the Galaxy Note II.  I liked that phone, but it had enough quirks that I’ve never gotten another Samsung.  I also carried a laptop.

Now it’s 2020.  What’s new?  This trip, I’m carrying more equipment.  But using a smaller bag.  I’ve got a seven inch tablet, an older tablet that I use only for reading books, my smartphone and my laptop.  Besides a mouse, Bluetooth headphones and various USB cables, I’ve brought along two very important items.  Over the years, I’ve learned that electrical outlets are hard to find aboard ship.  I pack a small power strip and a voltage transformer.

The other big change is that I’ve purchased the Satellite data plan.  Surprisingly, upload speeds are faster than download.  Of course, faster is a relative term.  Speeds average between 1-1/2 to 2 mbps.  The good news is that I’ve got plenty of time to watch people and to practice my thumb twiddling.  I’ve mostly been able to download and play the podcasts that I like to listen to.  A few sites are extremely slow.  Although slow, the connection has been mostly reliable.  The only places on the ship where I haven’t been able to connect is in the bathrooms.  Another aggravation is that you can only go online with one device at a time.  I had to delay downloading a major security update for my phone until I could shut down my laptop for an hour.

The satellite data plan is a little pricey.  I justify it by telling myself it is free because I use cruise credits I get for being a frequent cruiser.  My guess is that is as good a story as any other fairy tale.

Many other things have remained the same.  I’ve had a few discussions with other passengers and showed them ways to make their electronics easier to use.  There are also a few that can’t wait to get back home to check if their local library subscribes to Overdrive, Hoopla, Zinio, etc.  I met one person that thought I was an electronics wizard when I plugged a flash drive into my phone to watch a video.  The weirdest thing I saw was a fellow that came to the table where I was writing an article.  I was there because that was where one of the few plugins were.  He plugged his phone in and asked if I would watch it for him.  Then he just walked off and was gone for a half hour or so.  Maybe, I look trustworthy?

Other things haven’t changed too much.  Most people are still doing their book reading on Kindles, iPads, Android tablets or large screen smart phones.  It does seem that fewer people are reading an actual paper book.  I won’t be taking the “Behind the Scenes” tour this time so the only shipboard technology I’ve seen is the retail sales system and the bingo playing software.  Of course, there is a lot of other technology at the casino.

The wife has already planned our cruising for the next two years.  She probably won’t have to twist my arm to get me to go.

Thanks for reading.

Predictions (2020-01)

July 12, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

Happy New Year!  It’s that time again for everyone to make their annual predictions about what will happen in the future.  Not me.  You all should know by now how I am usually a little different.  After all, people with much more intelligence than me can probably predict the future with much more accuracy than I could ever hope to achieve.
For instance, the following prediction: “There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable.  It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will.”  This prediction was made in 1932 by none other than Albert Einstein.

Is there anyone who hadn’t heard about Steve Jobs predictions on a stylus pen, smaller tablets and larger phones?  That puts him in the same league as Thomas Watson, IBM chairman in 1943, when he said there was a world market for maybe five computers.  IBM predictions improved in 1959 when they told Xerox that the world potential for copying machines was about 5000.

There are many other examples of brilliant people making the similar types of “accurate” predictions.  In 2005 Steve Chen, the co‑founder of YouTube claimed that the platform couldn’t survive.  He said, “There’s just not that many videos that people want to watch.”  A year earlier, Bill Gates predicted that the SPAM e‑mail problem would be solved within two years.  He also stated that his company, Microsoft, would never make a 32 bit operating system.

I could go on and on for pages about other people who made tech predictions that didn’t quite come true.  How about these other predictions?:
1) Subsidized cell phones will continue to decline and maybe even join floppy disks in the “I remember when” category.
2) Smart watches pass out of the what is it good for stage and replace cell phones the same way that automobiles replaced the horse and buggy.
3) Windows 7 will hang on as long as XP did.
4) Apple will invent wireless charging.
5) 3D television will make a comeback.

In case you might be interested, those are all predictions that I made in an article I wrote for my website in January 2016.  You can see that my accuracy isn’t any worse (or better).

I’ll only make a few predictions for this year: 2020 will feature some great Cajun Clicker computer club meetings, a lot of discussion classes available for sign‑up on the club’s web site.  There will be two Cajun Clickers socials.

Thanks for reading.

National Call Registry (2019-11)

July 12, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

At last month’s monthly meeting, Lt. Brian Blache, a forensic computer examiner in the Financial Crimes Division of the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office, gave an informative talk.  One of his comments was that if you don’t answer your phone, eventually you will get few scam calls.  I can attest that this is true.  For many years, if a caller isn’t in my contacts list, they are transferred immediately to voice mail.  I hardly get these calls anymore.  His talk also reminded me of a column I wrote for another computer club in April 2014.  It was my thoughts about the National Call Registry.  I hope no one will mind too much if I repeat it here this month.

Does anyone remember the Perry Mason television show that aired back in the 1950’s and 60’s?  Perry was a lawyer that had an extra phone line installed in his office.  The only people who had this second telephone number were his secretary and a private detective.  That way, when the phone rang, Perry knew it was important and would answer it immediately.

Here we are, sixty years later.  Almost everyone has a telephone they can carry in a pocket or purse wherever they go.  Isn’t technology great?  Now we can get a call almost everywhere we are.  Gone are the days of running to the telephone from the other side of the house, picking it up and hearing a dial tone.

Hardly anyone has to miss a call anymore.  You can answer it in the mall, behind the steering wheel, walking down the street or sitting on your throne.  How wonderful!

Unfortunately, behind every silver lining, there is a cloud.  It is so easy for telemarketers to program their computers to call you and everyone else that has a phone number.  Don’t you just love all of those interruptions?  Me neither.  I sure wish the government would save us.

Wait a minute!  I nearly forgot!  The government is already protecting us from unwanted calls.  On March 11, 2003, President George W. Bush signed into law the Do Not Call Implementation Act.  The law established the FTC’s National Do Not Call Registry in order to facilitate compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.  This law is working so good that compliance complaints have increased every year except one.  You would think that complaints would decrease until unwanted calls are a thing of the past.

Could it be that people are complaining because of the law’s exemptions?  A person may still receive calls from political organizations.  Luckily for me, I don’t get any of those types of calls.

A person may still receive calls from not for profit organizations.  Once again, I’ve been lucky.  I don’t get any of those types of calls.

A person may still receive calls from companies with which he or she has an existing business relationship for up to eighteen months after their last purchase, payment or delivery from it.  I can’t believe how my luck is holding.  I don’t get any of those types of calls either.

My personal favorite exemption is that a person may still receive calls from companies conducting surveys.  Turns out that some of these companies call with a survey and then ask for permission to make a follow up call.  The follow up is an attempt to sell you something.  Guess what?  I haven’t gotten any survey calls.

Even though I have never registered for the Do Not Call list, I expect that my luck will continue to be pretty good.  I don’t really care who has my phone number.  If I receive a call from a number that isn’t in my contacts list, it goes straight to my voice mail.  When my phone actually rings, I know that it is a call I might want to answer.  Like Perry Mason, I don’t get calls from unwanted people.

Keep on clicking and thanks for reading.