Posts Tagged: ‘Miscellaneous’

National Call Registry (2019-11)

July 12, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

At last month’s monthly meeting, Lt. Brian Blache, a forensic computer examiner in the Financial Crimes Division of the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office, gave an informative talk.  One of his comments was that if you don’t answer your phone, eventually you will get few scam calls.  I can attest that this is true.  For many years, if a caller isn’t in my contacts list, they are transferred immediately to voice mail.  I hardly get these calls anymore.  His talk also reminded me of a column I wrote for another computer club in April 2014.  It was my thoughts about the National Call Registry.  I hope no one will mind too much if I repeat it here this month.

Does anyone remember the Perry Mason television show that aired back in the 1950’s and 60’s?  Perry was a lawyer that had an extra phone line installed in his office.  The only people who had this second telephone number were his secretary and a private detective.  That way, when the phone rang, Perry knew it was important and would answer it immediately.

Here we are, sixty years later.  Almost everyone has a telephone they can carry in a pocket or purse wherever they go.  Isn’t technology great?  Now we can get a call almost everywhere we are.  Gone are the days of running to the telephone from the other side of the house, picking it up and hearing a dial tone.

Hardly anyone has to miss a call anymore.  You can answer it in the mall, behind the steering wheel, walking down the street or sitting on your throne.  How wonderful!

Unfortunately, behind every silver lining, there is a cloud.  It is so easy for telemarketers to program their computers to call you and everyone else that has a phone number.  Don’t you just love all of those interruptions?  Me neither.  I sure wish the government would save us.

Wait a minute!  I nearly forgot!  The government is already protecting us from unwanted calls.  On March 11, 2003, President George W. Bush signed into law the Do Not Call Implementation Act.  The law established the FTC’s National Do Not Call Registry in order to facilitate compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.  This law is working so good that compliance complaints have increased every year except one.  You would think that complaints would decrease until unwanted calls are a thing of the past.

Could it be that people are complaining because of the law’s exemptions?  A person may still receive calls from political organizations.  Luckily for me, I don’t get any of those types of calls.

A person may still receive calls from not for profit organizations.  Once again, I’ve been lucky.  I don’t get any of those types of calls.

A person may still receive calls from companies with which he or she has an existing business relationship for up to eighteen months after their last purchase, payment or delivery from it.  I can’t believe how my luck is holding.  I don’t get any of those types of calls either.

My personal favorite exemption is that a person may still receive calls from companies conducting surveys.  Turns out that some of these companies call with a survey and then ask for permission to make a follow up call.  The follow up is an attempt to sell you something.  Guess what?  I haven’t gotten any survey calls.

Even though I have never registered for the Do Not Call list, I expect that my luck will continue to be pretty good.  I don’t really care who has my phone number.  If I receive a call from a number that isn’t in my contacts list, it goes straight to my voice mail.  When my phone actually rings, I know that it is a call I might want to answer.  Like Perry Mason, I don’t get calls from unwanted people.

Keep on clicking and thanks for reading.

Don’t Be Dumb (2019-10)

July 12, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

In the movie, Forrest Gump said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”  Could this mean that an intelligent person who does stupid things is still stupid?  Everyone has heard the stories of the computer user that used their disc player as a coffee cup holder.  Did you hear about the computer user that called tech support trying to figure out why their computer wasn’t working?  It was because there was a power outage.  When you Google “stupid computer stories” you get about 59,100,000 results.  No matter how you look at it, we’re talking about a lot of stupidity.

This month, I’m not planning write about stupid computer things, just plain dumb or unsafe computing practices.  Probably one of the dumbest things some people do is neglect antivirus and anti-spyware programs.  Antivirus programs can be a royal pain in the you know what.  They are always blocking some application you want to use.  They often have to be disabled to install new software.  To be useful, they have to be updated regularly.  It seems like the subscription is always expiring and prompting you to renew it.  You can’t afford to go without virus protection.  The malicious programs that AV software detects can not only wreak havoc on your system, but can spread via your computer to the rest of your network.  Don’t be dumb!  Keep your antivirus up to date.

I think it’s dumb to just click on anything and everything.  I know how tempting it is to quickly load that solve everything program without first reading the EULA.  Be careful!  You might be agreeing to let everyone on the internet send you spam.  Even worse, you could do like one of my sisters did – agree to use your address book for a sales pitch to all your friends.  I know how hard it is to resist clicking an e‑mail hyperlink your best friend just sent you.  Be careful.  It’s so easy to download backdoor Trojans without even knowing it.  Don’t be dumb and give in to “click mania.”  Think before you click a link.  Links can also be disguised in “phishing” messages or on Web sites to take you to a different site from the ones they genuinely point to.  You can often find out the real URL by hovering over the link without clicking it.

Don’t be dumb and install/uninstall lots of programs.  It is tempting to be on the “cutting edge”; so you often install and try out new software.  Beta programs are usually free and give you a chance to test new features before other users.  There are also many freeware and shareware programs made available as Internet downloads by their authors.  I know none of our club members would never do it, but some users even install pirated software.  The more programs you install, the more likely you are to run across ones that either include harmful code or are poorly written and cause your system to crash.  Even if you install only licensed commercial software, too many installs and uninstalls can gunk up the registry.  Not all uninstall routines completely remove program remnants and at the very least, this practice can cause your system to slow down over time.  Don’t be dumb. Install only programs that you actually need.

I think that it’s dumb to plug your computer right into a cable or DSL modem and go on the Internet.  Some people don’t realize that they’re immediately putting themselves at risk from viruses and attackers.  Every Internet connected computer should be protected by a firewall.  Just having a firewall isn’t enough.  You must also make sure it’s turned on and configured correctly to protect you.

I think it’s really dumb to plug in any electronic equipment without using a surge protector.  Doing so can physically destroy your computer equipment, as well as the data it holds.  You might think your system is in danger only during an electrical storm, but anything that interrupts the electrical circuit and then restarts the current can fry your electronics.  Something as simple as turning on an appliance that’s plugged into the same circuit can cause a surge.  If you have a power outage, there could be a surge when the electricity comes back on.  Don’t be dumb.  Protect your electronics against damage from power surges by always using a surge protector.

Remember that everything in this article is my opinion. It doesn’t really matter to me if you follow my advice.  I don’t gamble very much, but there is one thing I’m willing to bet on.  It might not happen for a while, but eventually, you’re going to get caught!

Keep on clicking and thanks for reading.

Things I Hate About Computing (2019-08)

July 12, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

This month I’m going to rant, rave, criticize and complain just a little.  About a year ago, before I moved to the Baton Rouge area, my wife and I were in one of the home improvement stores.  I thought that it would be a good time to pick up a new water filter for our refrigerator.  I went over to appliances and told them I needed a new filter for a Whirlpool.  He immediately asked me which of the nine filters I needed.  Of course, I didn’t have the filter number memorized.  So I found our refrigerator on the sales floor and told the salesman, “One to fit that model.”  I got home and found that it was the wrong size filter.  When I went back to exchange it, I found out that a different model year almost always uses a different filter.  What does all that have to do with computers and electronics?

It got me to thinking about some things I hate about technology.  I’ve probably got 10 or 20 different USB cables in the junk box in my computer room.  Every time you buy something that is USB supported, you get another cable.  Why is this?  It’s because many manufacturers have their own proprietary plug.  They have to include a cable because none of my other 20 cables will work with the darn thing.  I recently got a new cell phone.  Same manufacturer, different model.  You guessed it.  I’ve got another USB cable in my collection.  Wouldn’t it be nice if everything had a standard plug and didn’t have the cable included?  Think of the money that could be saved. Wait a minute!  Then they couldn’t sucker people into paying $20 for 3 dollars worth of wire.

Another thing that makes me mad are End User License Agreements (EULA).  I’m one of the few people who research them before installing anything on my computer.  My complaint isn’t the fact that lawyers write them.  I can use the internet to explain the legal terms.  My objection is that I have seldom found a EULA that can be read full screen.  Instead, they write them in a little window that usually covers about a tenth of my monitor.  I think this is done to discourage people from reading the agreements.  Just get them to click “I agree” and get it over with.

I can live with SPAM (I usually don’t even see it).  I don’t mind getting bombarded with internet advertisements (I can always go to other sites).  What I hate it when websites pop up a window asking for information that they will likely never use.  For instance, there is a website that I won’t name that wants to know my age, sex and country.  They then store the data in a cookie on my computer.  When I tell them that I‘m 28‑year‑old female, I get the same advertisements as the dirty old men get.  Why do they waste my time?

I also dislike software that isn’t user‑friendly.  Some programs have windows that can’t be resized.  I’m getting older and my eyesight isn’t what it used to be.  If I can’t make the window bigger and read the font, I likely won’t use the software.  Then there is software that won’t let you choose where to install it.  I don’t install all programs into “program files”.  Many times, I don’t even install them on the C drive.

I wonder if Microsoft will ever fix one little thing that has bugged me for as long as I remember.  When you use file explorer to copy, move or delete a list of files, Windows estimates how long it will take.  If you’re doing an operation on a lot of files, the estimated time will change every time you check it.  On older systems it can be even more aggravating.  Wouldn’t it be nice if the estimate was close once in a while?

Hate might be too strong of a word, but I’ve always disliked how companies will use a proprietary document format.  The perfect example is word processing.  Why must each program have a different extension?  Is it good for a business to make consumers remember “.doc”. “.odf”, “.wps”, “.docx”, “.odt”, “.txt”, “.rtf”, “.abw”, “.abi” and hundreds of others?  Almost all word processing software has a save as feature to save files to other formats.  They can’t be that much different.  Why isn’t there a standard where all programs save in a standard format?  After all, this idea seems to work pretty well for HTML internet files.

That’s enough ranting and complaining.  Next month I promise to write something useful for the newsletter.  By the way, did I mention that the two water filters had two different prices?  Does that remind you of anything else technology related?

Keep on clicking and thanks for reading.

Free Reading Material (2019-07)

July 12, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

Ever since I learned how, I’ve always been an avid reader.  My parents didn’t have a television until I was about ten years old.  That never bothered me.  The library always had a lot of entertainment.  In later life, when I was in the Navy, I seldom watched the ship’s movie.  I was busy finishing reading one more chapter before lights out.  These days, I still read about twenty magazines each month.  I am usually reading four or five books at a time.  I’ve got  my bedside book, bathroom book, digital book and an audio book for my morning walk.

I could not even estimate how many thousands of dollars I’ve spent buying reading material of one form or another.  In the past three or four years, my reading has all become either digital or audio.  I haven’t been in a bookstore or looked at a magazine display rack in at least two years.  For me, it’s all been for the better.  In this article, I’m going to tell you how you can do the same.

I’ve saved a lot of money with e‑books and audio books.  One of the reasons is because it is so easy to check the material out from the Parish library.  From my easy chair I can check out a vast number of books (both digital and audio), magazines, comic books, movies and much more.

There are many internet sites where electronic books can be downloaded for no charge.  All the major booksellers offer some free books, but there are many other places where you can get a better choice.  A good place to start your search is at Tech Support Alert’s Free eBooks And Audiobooks To Read Online Or Download.  This is the launch page of categories.  It links to other sites that list free e‑books with download information.  The lists are sorted by genre.  The title is somewhat confusing.  It is actually a list of sites that offer free books.  At the time of this writing there are 913 sites listed.  These pages also have links to sites for downloading comic books, textbooks and online courses.  Bonus tip: if you read the user comments, you will find many other sites.

Some other sites that I use to download free books (in no particular order) are:
Project Gutenberg was one of the first e‑book sites.  There are more than 59,000 titles. I t has by far the largest list of free titles for downloading and the site is easy to use.
LibriVox is like Project Gutenberg except it is all audio books.  Volunteers read and record books and upload them.  There can be a large variance in audio quality.
Open Library is a section of the Internet Archive.  The goal is to have a web page for every book ever published.  Most pages have links to where you can get the book.  Some of the books are readable in your web browser. You can borrow others for a period of two weeks.
Bookbub is a site that I check almost daily.  It isn’t a download site but lists the latest deals on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Google and Kobo.  Many of the books are for sale (usually $0.99 or $1.99) but it also lists many free books.  Use the link I’ve provided, you won’t have to give them an e-mail address.
eBook Reader is a review site for all things e‑reading.  You can find information on both hardware and software.  They have an extensive section of where you can download books (both free and paid).  There are also several how‑to guides.

I hope this list of sites has piqued your interest and gets you started on e‑book reading.  This is nowhere near a complete list of download sites for e‑books.  If you’re like me and like to read, these links should get you started.

Keep on clicking and thanks for reading.

Owning Your Own Domain (2019-06)

July 11, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

I purchased my first internet domain name on May 10, 2001.  For several years before that, I had a personal website that I hosted on the AOL free server.  Fast forward to 2018 and I’m the owner of a dozen different domain names.  I’ll admit that most of them are unused.  Someday my grandsons might want them.

I think that everyone should get their own domain for a variety of reasons.  The biggest reason is so that you can easily control your e‑mail.  If your e‑mail address is, you would lose it if you ever changed your Internet Service Provider to another company.  If you had your own domain, you could have the e‑mail address of or .net, or .org, etc.  You would keep that e‑mail for as long as you owned the domain.  Never again would you have to change your e‑mail address.

Another advantage is that you could have many e‑mail addresses.  Most providers let you create at least a hundred separate addresses.  I usually create a new address for different sites.  If I get a lot of spam, I know who sold my e‑mail address.

Owning your domain isn’t expensive. For instance, HostGator, one of several hosting services that I’ve used, charges $12.95 a year to register a domain name.  Hosting services are $7.16 a month.  If you sign up for three years, the rate drops to $3.96.  If you do a web search you will find many companies and many different pricing plans.  For that low fee, you can get unlimited e mail addresses, disk space and bandwidth.  There are several other hosting sites that offer similar pricing.

Once you’ve purchased the service, you can easily make a website to show off your hobbies, a family photo album, or share recipes.  Other uses for personal domains and websites are to give family members their own e mail address, host private chat rooms, backup files, etc.  You can even create your own private cloud storage space.  You could also do like me: plain old fashioned BS.

Although it is helpful, there is no real reason to know HTML coding.  There are several free programs that can have your personal website up and running in just a few hours.  Most hosting companies offer easy installation of these applications.  Web searches will find you many more.  A final place to get help with a website is the Cajun Clickers Club.  There are several members that I’m sure would be more than willing to help.

All of my websites are powered by open-sourced software.  I use several free programs: RV Web Site Builder, WordPress, phpBB, Blue Griffon, to name just a few.  My point is that if you can use a word processor, you can use website software.

I sure hope I’ll be checking out some new websites in the near future.  After all, if I can create a website, anyone can.

Keep on clicking and thanks for reading.

Cutting the Cable and Streaming (2019-05)

July 11, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

Last month at the monthly meeting, I demonstrated the Roku Ultra, one of many streaming media players that can be purchased.  A streaming media player is simply a device that is programmed to stream video, audio, pictures and other media over the internet to your TV.  A simple search on Amazon shows that there are many options for buying a device.

Most of the questions were not about the Roku, but instead about the services that you can stream.  Many attendees wanted to know “how much does streaming cost?” or “will I be able to watch a specific channel?”

Unfortunately, my answer to most of those types of questions was, “I don’t know.”

The truth is that the answer would be different for each person.  It is kind of like somebody that says they are buying a car and asks how much it will cost them to operate it.  There are many variables: the cost of gasoline, how many miles they drive, how often they take a trip, etc.

The same can be said about cutting the cable and streaming.  There are various streaming services, each with their own pricing structure.  To make things harder to choose, most of them have different pricing plans.  For instance, Netflix has three different plans, ranging from $8.99 to $15.99 a month.  Hulu has four plans from $5.99 to $50.99 a month.

With the thousands of streaming channels you can watch, how do you choose?  If you do an internet search, you will find hundreds of sites that will give you tips on how to stop cable service and stream your shows.  Most of them recommend that before you do anything, either keep a journal or make a list of what you actually watch on TV.

After you have determined what you want to watch, it is time to do some research on where you can stream shows that you want to watch.  This might be the hardest part of the process as there are so many services to choose from.  If you max out on different services, you may not end up saving any money at all.

Local channels and news can usually be watched with the use of an antenna.  You can also often stream the shows from the network’s website.  Many of the stations stream their news reports online via their website or a mobile app.  Some aggregator services such as Sling also include this programming.

I am not a big sports fan, but I can tell you that watching the various types is a whole different problem.  Usually, you will have to pay monthly fees for each sport/team.  Even then, you sometimes do not get all the games due to local blackouts.  You might have to use a Virtual Private Network to trick them.

One final thing you need to consider when streaming is your internet speed.  Most sites recommend a download speed of 15-25 megabytes per second.  Keep in mind that this is in addition to all the other internet devices you may be using.  Faster internet service almost always comes at an increased cost.

So should you quit your cable television and stream everything?  I am by no means an expert, but like a lot of other topics, I have an opinion.  My TV viewing habits are different than most. I like mostly older movies and television shows.  Most of these I can watch on free streaming channels that I watch on my ROKU streaming device.  I still subscribe to basic cable for some channels that my wife likes.  Do your research and compute your costs.  Then do what works for you.

Keep on clicking and thanks for reading.

More EULA Services (2019-04)

July 11, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

If you read my column last month, you will remember that I reviewed one of my favorite and often used utility programs.  EULAlyzer is a program I’ve used for many years.  When you are installing new software, open the program and you will see an option to “scan new license agreement”.  A new window will pop up with an icon to drag over the EULA window.  The EULA will be imported and you can analyze it.  You do this simply by clicking the “analyze” button.  Eulalyzer then reviews the license for keywords such as tracking, advertising, third‑party, data collection, etc.

This month, I’d like to continue on the subject and tell you about a few other services that I use to help protect me from disreputable EULAs.  I’m not going to go into a long diatribe about the evil things some EULA agreements do.  You can do your own internet search and find EULAs where you agree to never sue the company, post bad reviews on social media, agree to any future changes, etc.  I’m also not going to write about some of the funny EULAs.  I’m fairly sure that Apple doesn’t actually think anyone will use iTunes to manufacture missiles.

Instead, I’m going to tell you about some other EULA services that I often use.  Like Honest Abe in this Off the Mark Presidents Day Comic and most other people, I usually don’t read all agreements before installing software or agreeing to website terms of service.  You can slap my wrist the next time you see me.

I’ve been getting e‑mails from Paranoid Paul for more years than I can remember.  Paranoid Paul is a free service that allows you to track changes made to online documents that affect your privacy or your personal information.  This includes Privacy Policies, Terms and Conditions or User Agreements.  I haven’t actually been on the website for a long time.  To use the service, you must submit an e‑mail address.  After registering, you can pick which documents you are interested in following.  Whenever there is a change, you will receive an e‑mail with a brief synopsis of what is new.  The service is free.

Although a little difficult to read, SpywareGuide License Analyzer is another useful site.  It is an online service.  You simply copy the EULA and paste into the provided box on the website.  Additionally, the site has an excellent list of definitions for EULA related terms.

There is one other link I’d like to tell you about.  In February of 2008, Annalee Newitz wrote an article for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.  Even though it is almost twenty years old, it is still an excellent explanation of EULAs.  If you’re interested in this subject, I recommend you read Dangerous Terms: A User’s Guide to EULAs.

Occasionally, I find other programs or websites that claim to do the same thing, but I have found none of them to be as useful or easy to use.  Life would be so much easier if privacy policies were as clean and concise as the one on my personal website.

Keep on clicking and thanks for reading.

Bah! Humbug! (2018-12)

July 11, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

Bah! Humbug!
It’s that time of the year again. The retailers want us to spend all of our hard earned nickels on lots of things that we don’t really need. My daughter always tells me that it is hard to buy me a Christmas present because I don’t need anything. I tell her that makes it easier. Don’t buy me anything. It never works that way though, but it’s alright. I can always use socks and t‑shirts (if they’ve got a pocket. Did you know that you can actually give someone a Gift of Nothing?

Bah! Humbug!
About the only difference in the holiday season every year is that it usually seems to start earlier and earlier. This year, I saw my first Christmas display on labor day. All of the major online sales sites started advertising Black Friday deals sometime during the first part of November. Black Friday has almost become Black Thursday. You’d at least think they would change it to Fifty Shades of Grey Thursday. I’m expecting the 2019 season to start around the Fourth of July.

Bah! Humbug!
Every year, I’ve got to listen to some novelty song about five zillion times. I’m just happy that Grandma doesn’t get run over by a reindeer as often as she used to. I’d rather just listen to some Christmas music on YouTube.

Bah! Humbug!
It’s that time of year when we get to watch all of those TV specials and rerun movies that are better off forgotten. It was a Wonderful Life when it was a movie, but 9000 times as a TV special leaves something to be desired. The only good thing you can say is that during the holidays, we don’t have to watch the regular lousy television programming. Don’t even get me started on Christmas commercials.

Oh well. I guess it’s time for me to stop bah humbugging and write something about technology. On the other hand, it is the holidays. I’ll just give everyone a link to one of the best sites on the internet to find free software. Tech Support Alert is a community site for reviewing and rating free programs. If you’ve never visited them, it is definitely worth a click.

By the way, I’m not really a Bah! Hum‑bugger. Merry Christmas!

Bah! Humbug! My wife just told me to put my shoes on because she wants me to go along and help pick out the daughters’ Christmas present. I know what she really means is that I’ll be carrying a whole bunch of bags.
Thanks for reading.

Why I Like Computer Clubs (2018-11)

July 11, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

You may not know me (yet) as I am one of the newest members of the Cajun Clickers Computer Club.  I thought I’d take a few minutes and tell everyone why I’ve joined the club.  Of course, I’m assuming that the Club Newsletter Editor thinks this article is worthy of printing.

Over the years I’ve been a member of several computer clubs.  There are many reasons that I keep joining them.  The most important thing about these computer user groups (clubs) is that they were full of people who meet to share information and to learn from each other.  All of them were informal groups with a common purpose of learning more about how computers operate.

Computer clubs offer a lot of knowledge and experience.  It’s almost like having tech support with a native English speaking support staff.  No matter what problem you may have, there is usually someone that knows how to solve it, or where to go to find out how.

A computer user group gives you something better to do than sitting at home staring at the wall.  The meetings are a fun method of learning something new.  Even though I’m fairly knowledgeable on many aspects of computing, there are many times I that I learn a new tidbit.  In the few months since I’ve joined the Cajun Clickers, I’ve learned from a professional interior decorator, an author and a Linux guru.  I’m sure the future will bring me more of the same.

Most computer groups have a monthly newsletter.  These are usually filled with in‑depth, informative articles on various aspects of computers and other electronics.  I’ll also admit that I like to run my mouth and newsletters often give me a chance to write about something that I like to talk about.

Computer user groups are a fun place to mingle and meet new people  Since joining the Cajun Clickers, I’ve been introduced to and joined another unrelated organization.

Where else can you get all of this and more for less than five dollars a month? The annual membership fee is less than you would pay for one computer class anywhere else.  Sometimes, that means we teach each other how to use Windows 10.  Other times, it means teaching how to use the Internet more effectively, to use a photo editing programs, how to take digital pictures or how to research your family tree.  These are topics for ordinary people, not things for programmers.

Now that I’ve told you why I like the Cajun Clickers, I’m going to take a few more minutes of your time and suggest how you how you can help make our computer club even better.

Why not contribute an article to this newsletter?  Do you have a favorite program that you think would be useful to other computer users?  Take a few minutes and tell everyone about it.  Not only that, but the editor will likely appreciate it too.

Why not bring a friend to one of our monthly meetings?  You can impress them with how smart you are by being a member of the club.  They just might decide to join and then everyone would benefit.

Have you found a great website that everyone should know about?  Found a great deal on a new computer?  Heard a funny story that you just can’t wait to tell?  Have a computer question that can’t wait for the club meeting?  Why not post it on the club’s Facebook Page or Google Groups.  It only takes a few minutes and is just the thing that could generate more interest in the club.

Thanks for reading.

Useless Gadgets (2022-07)

July 10, 2022 Posted by Tiny

Thoughts From a Clicker
By Tiny Ruisch

Back in the last century, I had a nifty little electronic gadget on my key ring.  It did only one thing.  If you pushed the button, it would indicate if there was a wireless network in range.  Back then, most networks weren’t secure and it was easy to get online.  Electronic gadgets have come a long way since then.  Many people have their favorite gadget, everything from a remote control to a robot that vacuums the floor.  Even the military has gadgets they use to blow up things.  In my opinion, many of them are useless.  There are many new technologies others have that I just don’t care about.

By now I bet you’ve figured out that this article is going to be about some high-tech devices that I can live without.

The cell phone might be one of the most annoying gadgets ever.  I got my first cell phone in 2005 when I first moved to Louisiana.  My daughter added the wife and me to her family plan and gave us both a phone.  Even people that can’t live without a cell phone would have to admit that they are often annoying beyond human endurance.  The photos and movies they take can lead to all kinds of problems.  They can be awful scary.  When driving, you have to watch out for the cell phone packing motorist.  When carrying one, you have to worry about being tracked.  When using one, you have to worry about the controversial possibility that the thing is slowly cooking your brain.  There isn’t a whole lot of privacy any more.  Don’t you just love it when you’re at a meeting and someone’s cell phone rings?  After all of the ranting, I have to tell you that I’ve put myself in a position where I can’t live without the darn thing.  If an incoming call is not in my contacts list, it goes straight to my voice mail.  I don’t need to sign up for the National No Call Registry.  If I don’t know who is calling, I just don’t answer the thing.  A while back, I received an e-mail that closed, “Sent from my mobile phone.  Please excuse any typos.”  As Colonel Potter often said on MASH, “Horse hockey!”.  (Once he changed it to “Cow cookies”).  I’m sorry, but I am not buying in to the notion that I should forgive poor grammar, bad spelling, or indecipherable texting because the sender is using a gadget with a lousy keyboard.

You don’t see electronic pagers much anymore.  The last time I saw one, I was at a restaurant.  They paged you when it was your turn to give them some of your money.  Talk about making you feel important.  “Dr. Tiny, we have your table prepared with some surgical instruments.  Please come to the check in counter.  We’re finished testing your patience level.  Don’t forget to return our useless gadget.”

Speaking of useless gadgets, how effective can a battery powered robot that automatically vacuums the floor be?  Can that Roomba do a good job as small as it is?  Maybe if you got one of those robot doggies, you could use your Roomba as a robot doggie pooper scooper.

I’m still undecided whether or not I like dedicated e-readers.  My tablet has e-book software that works pretty good for me.  The advantages that I miss out on are being able to read in bright sunlight and a much longer battery life.  Since I am seldom out of the shade for very long and I’ve got plenty of electric outlets, I’m not too worried.  I don’t have a dedicated e-reader, but with my tablet I can not only read a book, but write one, listen to the radio and play a game or two.

If I could take a poll of all the club members, I wonder how many would have a useless gadget in the junk drawer next to a key chain camera or a clapper.  That’s it for this month.  I’ve got to finish searching the internet for a new gadget.  I’ve been looking for a Swiss Army Knife with USB and Bluetooth capabilities.  I want one that will tell me if I need to sharpen the tools.  I sure hope I can find one that is upgradeable.

Thanks for reading and keep on clicking.